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Wednesday August 20, 2025
9:30 a.m. start
Tournament Format: Open Pairs
3 x 12-end games
The entry fee is $20 per person
Aussie Pairs at RHLBC
2 players – Lead and Skip
End 1:
Lead throws 2 bowls, then walks down to head, skip comes to mat. Skip throws 4 bowls, then walks down to head, lead comes back to mat. Lead throws 2 bowls and stays there. End is scored by the Skips.
End 2:
Skip (who is now at mat end) throws 2 bowls, walks down to head, lead comes to mat. Lead throws 4 bowls, then walks down to head, skip comes back to mat. Skip throws 2 bowls and stays there. End is scored by the Leads.
Odd Numbered Ends (3, 5, 7,…) = End 1 (lead throws 2, skip throws 4, lead throws 2) Even Numbered Ends (2, 4, 6, …) = End 2 (skip throws 2, lead throws 4, skip throws 2)
Want to Join Us?
All OLBA members are welcome to put together a team for this tournament.
If you would like to take part in this event,
please fill in your details in the Event Registration Form on the Open Tournaments page;
You can also register by phone at 416-239-3718 and select the tournament extension, or
sign up in the clubhouse.
Please call us at 416-239-3718 prompt 2 for tournaments if you don't receive a confirmation within 3 days.
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